David Hoyle History Talks

Welcome to my site 

  I do talks for clubs/pubs/groups or anywhere

They take about one hour and i charge  between £20 and £40

sometimes no charge at all for charities

they are mainly about local history and here is my list

The Myths of Lytham

the history of fairhaven lake

the missing glass slides of lytham

the history of lytham windmill

The Nurses at Lytham Hall in the War Years

the guides house of warton

Why Has Lytham not got a Pub

the development of St.Anne's 1875

A tale of 2 Cliftons in Lytham

i bring screen,laptop and my goodself


Just a few bits of info and not a lot else

Son of Jos and Frank Hoyle

Brother of Richard,Francis and Peter

Father to Tanya and Robert

grandfather to violet margo

and partner to Ruth Fraser

if you need me  then email me
